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“My journey with Kelly Shivani Rose has been profoundly life-changing. She is intuitive, supportive and gentle in her approach and the wisdom and guidance she channels is powerful and clear.

She was able to pinpoint the areas in my being that really needed attention and knew exactly how to bring them into the light for soul mending. I experienced a deep recovery and reintegration of exiled shadow aspects, allowing me to now feel the fullness of myself for the first time in my life.

My voice has also miraculously opened as an immediate and direct result of her work on my throat chakra. I am finding ease and joy in singing and am speaking my truth like never before. I offer a deep bow of gratitude to Kelly and many blessings to all who find their way to her door."
2x soul journey’s and integration phone calls

“I trusted Kelly when booking a session with her. I have followed her healing journey with admiration and wonder these past couple of years and I knew she would be able to help guide me into the centre of my heart. And that’s exactly what happened.

Kelly guided me to a very vulnerable part of my younger self that needed love and care and she did so in such an exquisitely sensitive way. Kelly’s intuition guided me home and now I’ve integrated a part of me that will forever be in my care. Deepest thanks to Kelly’s courageous heart and the healing abilities she’s gifted with”
1 x Soul Journey

“I had two incredible sessions with Kelly and couldn’t be more grateful for the incredible gift that she is offering in this work. She holds the most safe and non-judgemental space where I felt free to be able to share and be in all my vulnerabilities without any sense of shame or fear. Not been held quite like this by any other professional in this field. It was very moving.

The soul journey I had with her was an incredibly powerful experience which has integrated deep soul healing gifts for me, and she really has a gift in connecting to where I needed to go for this healing journey - was blown away by her ability. So grateful for the personalised affirmations to take home with me too.

The reiki was also the most powerful I have ever experienced.

I’ve also had the safe holding of a cuddle therapy session which helped me understand where I feel safe in my body and more. This is all incredibly important work and I feel so blessed to have experienced it by this amazing warrior goddess of love and awakening. Couldn’t recommend her more. Thank you deeply Kelly."
1 x Cuddle Session & 1 x Soul Journey

“It's hard to find words to describe the profundity of the work that Kelly offers. My experience has been such that I have been able to access and release deep deep pain, whilst honouring and welcoming home those parts of me with unconditional love.

Our work together deepened with each session allowing our trust to grow, and for Kelly's intuitive wisdom to help guide me through the pain and grief I was in, and to face what I could not do alone.

Kelly's understanding, knowledge and insight of core beliefs & wounding, and her ability to facilitate an embodied practice to transform and alchemise these parts of us, along with her exquisite holding and witnessing is something I am so grateful for.

I highly recommend working with Kelly. Her integrity is exactly what is required of this delicate and sensitive work and it is exactly what you'll receive.”
3x soul journey’s and phone consultations

“I felt totally held by Kelly throughout our session. She was gentle and real and present. She helped me move my recent shift in perspective, fully into my opening heart and fully into my body.

The journey she guided me through was beautifully powerful and it warmed me from the inside out. Kelly held a safe space for me, where all was welcomed and all was loved. Thank you thank you thank you”
1 x Soul Journey
1 x Cuddle Therapy

"So much gratitude to Kelly for the energy work that she is doing with me. Its such a freeing feeling to be in my body knowing that vulnerability can express itself in the safety of the space that Kelly holds so calmly and naturally. This feels like only the beginning. Thank you for being there Kelly"
2 x Soul Journey's
2 x Reiki Healing

"Kelly's cuddle and reiki session was truly amazing. I'm not a person who shows emotion easily and I felt very grateful for the safe space she provided which meant I was able to open up fully and release the long overdue tears. She listened and offered wisdom without judgment.

I have never experienced being held emotionally in this way, not even after years of talking therapies. It was truly transformative and I highly recommend Kelly's sessions to all.
1 x Cuddle & Reiki Combined Session

“I've always felt safe to be vulnerable in Kelly's presence. Her authenticity and openness gave me permission to accept and show more of myself. Being witnessed with loving attention and no judgement made it easy to integrate difficult external experiences and wounded aspects within myself.

I've been cuddle buddies with her for almost a year and cannot emphasize enough how transformative this intimate nonsexual touch is. It is deeply regulating and nourishing and I recommend it to everyone who doesn't have touch outside of their sexual connections.

Kelly's touch is loving and respectful and she communicates boundaries clearly and timely. Finding a person of opposite gender for cuddles is rare and I feel grateful for her in my life.”
Monthly Cuddle Sessions

“Kelly is an amazing find and a wise woman beyond her years. I was at a crossroads in my life and did a Soul Journey with her. It was an incredibly powerful experience and one I will never forget. It has unlocked something inside of me that has given me the chance to come into my full potential.

Ever since I had that ceremony with Kelly my life has changed for the better and I have been on a spiritual transformative journey that I am still experiencing 3 months later.

I can highly recommend a Soul Journey for anyone that feels blocked, held back or otherwise not feeling their true selves for whatever reason. She creates a non-judgemental safe space, and is highly perceptive and intuitive. Her insights have been invaluable to me and I’m still finding out more about myself as I continue this journey."
1 x Soul Journey

For more information